About Miscellus

Miscellus is the focus on collaboration within the art's world. Collaboration occurs within the art world constantly, but often without notice. Miscellus's purpose is to let the artist realize collaboration, and benefit from one an others work. Artists working in any medium can submit work to Miscellus, and any artists/bloggers, can respond artistically to work submitted. Responses will be based on any emotions or inspirations that submitted work catalyzes.

Works may be unfinished, finished or even just sketches.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Nick Lore:

1.A meeting with somebody.

Par excellence. A place for us. Us being me and you, or me and me. Our meeting point is what makes the time apart something to look forwards too. Our meeting point is what gives me a reason to earn my money, if for a coffee or a sandwich. The time seems to go so quick but I wouldn’t have it another way, just one day a week that lasts four hours.
I hold your hand as we approach; I hear your weekly voice and feel the skin that only comes to those who wait.
Our meeting place is in the mind, our meeting place is in the heart, our meeting place is something to repeat.
No work of art can explain a meeting place, no painting or poster. We’ve reached our usual spot, and before you know it I’m off again till next week.
Simple, and easy. Why make my place, our place, complicated.

2. A place arranged for this

I hate to be the bearer of bad news...

I know many of you are awaiting responses but I have come to apologize once again for a. my bad luck with technology and b. my bad luck in general. As I was working on some responses my computer crashed loosing all evidence of any work that I had from late last semester, including some Miscelllus workings. Although I have come back to the north east I have come back to living with no internet connection. I will do my best to post submitions and submit responses but I can not promise much unless I use some friend's internet connections. All will be well in September!